Location: Capitone

Nearest Airport : Rome Fiumicino / Ciampino circa 100km

Nearest Train : Narni Scalo at 5 Kilometres

Nearest Motorway : E45 at 8 Kilometres
Nearest Barpub : Capitone at 3 Kilometres
Nearest Restaurant : Amelia at 3 Kilometres
Capitone is located in southern Umbria, central Italy in the countryside between Narni and Amelia.  Narni is the centre most point of the Italian peninsular and is a beautiful, ancient, off-the-main-tourist-route hilltop village, steeped in history and culture. There are many good supermarkets, butchers, bakeries, delis, restaurants and other shops in Narni Scalo and other nearby villages and excellent shopping in Terni, about 15 km away. The ancient towns of Todi, Amelia, San Gemini, as well as mountains, waterfalls (Cascade delle Marmore) and lakes are close by. Further afield are Assisi, Perugia, Siena, Gubbio, Citta di Castello, the wine lands of Orvieto, Montepulciano, Spoleto, Montefalco and the “Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso dei Monti Sibillini” in the Sibilline mountains with its wild horses. Florence and Rome are 1 -2 hours away by car or train. Umbria is well known for its food, most famously truffles (Norcia), pork, olive oil, wine and “home cooking” cuisine.